

    On-Line Dynamic Index Hybrid Update Scheme Based on Self-Learning of Allocated Space

    • 摘要: 针对索引维护时间和空间效率低的问题,提出了一种基于分配空间自学习的在线动态索引混合更新机制(on-line dynamic index hybrid update, ODIHU).ODIHU根据Zipf分布原理对长短列表数量分布进行估计,并采用基于历史分配空间的自适应学习机制对长短列表空间进行有效管理,然后对短列表采用立即合并更新方式,长列表采用上限Y相邻多路合并的更新方式维护,实现索引更新与查询性能的有效折中.理论分析及实验结果表明,ODIHU能有效地提高索引维护与更新过程中的空间效率、索引合并与查询时间效率.


      Abstract: To improve time and space efficiencies of index maintenance, an on-line dynamic index hybrid update (ODIHU) technique is proposed based on self-learning of allocated space. Based on Zipf theorem, ODIHU appropriately estimates the number of short and long lists with theoretical analysis, and manages short and long lists with uniform storage model of distinguishing long and short lists based on link. ODIHU manages long list space with history-based adaptive learning allocation (HALA), and manages short list space with linear allocation (LA), exponential allocation (EA), and uniform allocation (UA). To decrease index and retrieval cost, ODIHU divides index data set into limited sections and controls index merge with schemes. Then ODIHU merges short lists with immediate merge, and merges long lists with improved Y-limited contiguous multiple merge scheme, which balances the trade-off of the time and space efficiencies effectively. Based on the proposed RABIF, ODIHU not only considers both index level and inverted list level updating, but also effectively improves time and space efficiencies of index updating.


