

    Blog Sentiment Orientation Analysis Based on Dependency Parsing

    • 摘要: 博客作为一种用户发表其观点和看法的载体已成为Web上一个重要的情感抒发与交流平台,博文搜索为这种交流提供了方便快捷的途径.很多时候,用户进行博文搜索时更关注作者对事件所持的观点或情感,但目前的博文搜索返回结果大多基于主题而非情感倾向.基于此提出一种基于句法依存分析技术的算法SOAD(sentiment orientation analysis based on syntactic dependency)对博文搜索结果进行情感倾向性分析.基于SOAD算法,构建了一个中文博文搜索原型系统,对博文搜索结果进行再处理.实验证明,一方面,SOAD算法在分析博文情感上具有更大的优势;另一方面,建立的原型系统实现了依据情感倾向返回搜索结果的目标.


      Abstract: Nowadays, blogs, which contain rich opinion and emotion information, have become an important platform for exchanging sentiments among netizens on the Web. Blog search provides a convenient way for these information exchanges. In many cases, users pay more attention to blogger’s opinions and sentiments about an event when searching the blogosphere, but most existing blog search engines return results based only on topics without considering sentiment orientations. In this paper, an algorithm called SOAD (sentiment orientation analysis based on syntactic dependency) is proposed for analyzing blogs’ sentiment orientation based on dependency parsing. A Chinese blog search engine prototype system is built based on the proposed algorithm, which reprocesses blog search results for sentiment analysis. Experiments show that, SOAD algorithm has more advantages, and the prototype system implements the purpose of this paper: the blog search results are returned according to blogger’s sentiment orientation.


