

    NVMMDS—Metadata Management Method Based on Non-Volatile Memory

    • 摘要: 元数据管理方法是影响文件系统性能的重要因素.针对现有元数据管理方法存在的查找性能低、适应性差和丢失元数据等问题,设计了面向非易失存储器的元数据管理方法(NVMMDS).首先针对元数据的访问特性和管理要求,给出了NVMMDS的结构和元数据管理流程,混合使用非易失存储器和DRAM存储元数据,为提高元数据查找性能和避免丢失元数据奠定了基础;设计了基于NVBB树的元数据查找算法和基于主动写回的元数据缓存算法,提高了元数据的查找性能,增强了元数据管理方法的适应能力,避免了元数据丢失问题.与现有元数据管理方法进行了分析和比较,在单机文件系统ReiserFs和分布式文件系统pNFS中实现了NVMMDS原型,使用FileBench和多个标准数据集进行了测试与分析,验证了NVMMDS能提高文件系统最大35%的操作处理速度和I/O性能.


      Abstract: Metadata management methods are important factors to affect the performance of file system. A novel metadata management method based on non-volatile memory (NVMMDS) is designed to concern the efficiency and adaptability of current metadata management methods. The structure of NVMMDS and metadata management flow are presented according to the metadata accessing characteristic and management demands. The metadata is stored in non-volatile memory and DRAM is used to cache the update metadata, which provides the foundation for improving performance, avoiding metadata loss and enhancing the metadata operation atomicity. A metadata lookup algorithm based on NVBB-tree is used to uniformly search the metadata in non-volatile memory and metadata cache in DRAM with low overhead. A metadata cache algorithm based on active writing back is used to extend the life of non-volatile memory and avoid the loss of metadata. Compared with the current metadata management methods, our algorithms greatly improve the efficiency and adaptability of metadata management, and avoid the loss of metadata. The NVMMDS prototype is realized on ReiserFs and pNFS. The FileBench and several standard data sets are used to evaluate. The experimental results show that NVMMDS can improve maximum 35% IOPS and I/O performance of file system.


