

    Mining Frequent Patterns Based on Graph Theory

    • 摘要: 对图数据频繁模式的挖掘是近年的研究热点.选择了惟一标号图进行分析,结合图论和频集生成的算法,提出了基于Aproiri思想、运用矩阵乘法的AMGM算法和基于SFP树的SFP算法.它们可有效地挖掘简单图中连通频繁子图.实验表明,这两个算法是十分有效的,其中SFP算法的性能优于AMGM.该算法还被运用于发现Web上的权威页面和社团,具有良好的效果.


      Abstract: Mining the frequent pattern from data set is one of the key success stories of data mining research. Currently, most of the efforts are focused on the independent data such as the items in the marketing basket. However, the objects in the real world often have close relationship with each other. How to gain the frequent pattern from these relations is the objective of this paper. Graphs are used to model the relations, and a simple type is selected for analysis. Combining the graph-theory and algorithms to generate frequent patterns, two new algorithms are proposed. The first algorithm, named AMGM, is based on the Aproiri idea and makes use of matrix. For the second algorithm, a new structure SFP-tree and an algorithm, which can mine these simple graphs more efficiently, have been proposed. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated by experiments with synthetic datasets. The empirical results show that they both can do the job well, while SFP performs better than AMGM. Such algorithms are also applied in mining of the authoritative pages and communities on Web, which is useful for Web mining. At the end of the paper, the potential improvement is mentioned.


