

    Generic GUI Generator Based on XML and XSD

    • 摘要: 为了满足应用软件对图形用户界面(graph user interface, GUI)快速变更的需求,提出了基于深度递归和广度递归思想的持久化和解析算法,设计了基于XML和XSD(XML schema description language)的GUI生成器.该生成器包括设计器和解析器,支持层次化的界面样式语义以及组、联合、枚举等数据模型语义.最后,给出了应用示例,使用Java和C#语言分别解析了采用该生成器定制的某网络入侵检测系统的路由器对象,同时可以验证用户输入数据是否符合约束语义.


      Abstract: In order to satisfy the demand of fast change of GUI (graph user interface) raised by application software, a GUI generator is designed based on XML and XSD (XML schema description language). It is supported by paring and persistent algorithms based on the idea of depth recursion and width recursion. The generator is composed of a GUI designer and a GUI parser. Semantics of both layout and data model are supported, including the hierarchy style and data models of group, union and enumerator. Finally, an example of router of some network intrusion detecting system is shown, in which GUI can be generated in Java and C# languages, and the semantic validity of input data can be checked also.


