

    Software Simulation for Hardware/Software Co-Verification

    • 摘要: 随着集成电路及计算机技术的发展,嵌入式系统设计变得越来越复杂.复杂的嵌入式系统设计,通常采用验证的手段检验系统设计的正确性,硬件验证通常是在硬件设计描述的基础上建立用于模拟硬件功能的硬件模拟器;软件验证常用的方法是建立处理器功能模型(指令集模拟器ISS),逐条解释嵌入式软件在目标机器上的执行过程,产生模拟输出,驱动外围电路(即硬件设计).指令集模拟器从底层时序关系模拟嵌入式软件在目标CPU上运行过程.对于复杂嵌入式系统设计,ISS模拟速度通常成为协同模拟瓶颈.基于RTOS的嵌入式软件快速验证方法可以有效地提高软件模拟速度,扩展RTOS功能,适应协同模拟需要,建立硬件模拟驱动,实现软件和硬件模拟器通信连接和协同模拟同步控制.基于RTOS的嵌入式软件验证方法以编译代码模型为基础,从系统行为级验证嵌入式软件功能,验证速度快.在实际应用中,该方法和ISS验证相结合,能够实现更有效、更快速的嵌入式系统协同验证.最后以几个典型硬件设计为基础,编写相应的控制软件,进行软硬件协同验证实验,实验结果数据说明该验证方法实用、有效、快速.


      Abstract: With the development of integrated circuits and computer science, software and hardware of the target system become more and more sophisticated while the traditional methods of the embedded system design appear to be outdated. For complicated embedded systems, co-verification is often used to verify the system co-design, in which hardware simulator based on hardware specification is used to validate the hardware design while the processor architecture model known as instruction set simulator (ISS) is used to interpret the target code of the embedded software, generate output, and drive the hardware. The ISS simulates the embedded software at detailed timing level for the target processor, simulating at such a low-level that it often becomes the bottleneck for hardware/software co-simulation. In this paper, a fast software simulating method is put forward, in which, an open-source RTOS is extended and hardware-simulating driver is used to build connection for the hardware/software simulator. The simulating method based on the compiled code model for the embedded software verifies the software from the system behavior level, so higher co-verification performance can be achieved. Combined the with verification method of ISS, the high-level co-verification method can achieve faster and more effective co-verification. Finally, examples of co-design and results of co-verification are presented to show the correctness of the co-verification method.


