    林 基, 周小成, 孟 丹. 基于智能网卡支持的并行通信协议[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2005, 42(6): 971-978.
    引用本文: 林 基, 周小成, 孟 丹. 基于智能网卡支持的并行通信协议[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2005, 42(6): 971-978.
    Lin Ji, Zhou Xiaocheng, Meng Dan. Parallel Communication Protocol Based on Smart NICs[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(6): 971-978.
    Citation: Lin Ji, Zhou Xiaocheng, Meng Dan. Parallel Communication Protocol Based on Smart NICs[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(6): 971-978.


    Parallel Communication Protocol Based on Smart NICs

    • 摘要: 网络通信系统是机群的一个重要组成部分,也是影响机群整机处理效率的关键因素.随着单个结点计算能力的增强,网络通信能力也需要相应地提高.一种提高网络通信能力的方法是引入多个网卡同时进行消息发送,即并行通信.通常,并行通信是基于RMA机制实现的,对于小于17KB的消息,由于RMA机制的握手过程使得并行通信性能的提高很有限.提出了基于智能网卡支持的并行通信协议.该协议将消息重组所需的握手过程下移到网卡上实现,从而减少了握手开销,扩展了并行通信的范围.实验数据表明,与基于RMA机制的并行协议相比,该协议提高了3KB~17KB消息段的通信性能;对应用程序,如FT程序,该协议将其执行时间减少了9.4%,而基于RMA机制的并行协议只减少了7.8%. 最后分析了限制并行通信性能提高的主要因素.


      Abstract: As an important part of a cluster, the performance of the communication system is one of the most critical factors determining the performance of a whole cluster system. With the enhancing of a single node's computing capability, the communication capability of network needs to be improved corresponsively. An important method to enhancing capability of communication is using multiple cards to deal with messages at the same time. In this paper, an implementation of parallel communication based on smart NICs is presented and evaluated by both communication benchmarks and applications. The experimental results show that both performance of communication and applications is better than parallel communication based on RMA mechanism.


