

    Model Analysis for ARQ Based Multi-Link Forwarding Strategy in WSN

    • 摘要: 传感器网络应用通常部署在如地下停车场、煤矿井下通道等条件复杂的环境中.这种复杂环境使短距离无线通信变得低效.早期传感器网络通信协议更多关注网络连通问题,较少考虑信道特性对协议的影响.随着对短距离无线链路特性认识的加深,人们尝试使用如链路估计、不相交多路径、缠绕多路径等机制提高网络抵达率和能量效率.通过模型分析了基于ARQ的多链路传输机制,给出该机制优于单链路的充分条件,同时分析了冲突对于网络效率的影响,并通过NS2验证模型分析的各项结论.


      Abstract: Sensor network is frequently deployed in rather complex environment, such as underground parking lots, coal mine channels, etc. which are full of obstacles or corners. Such complicated situation brought a big challenge for protocol design, and made unreliable short distance wireless communication less efficient. Earlier protocol design for WSN paid more attention to the connectivity in on/off characteristics, neglecting link quality often in a middle value of 0 and 1 in the real world. As more knowledge on link feature of short distance wireless communication is studied, people begin to recognize the big impact brought by this problem and try many methods to improve the forwarding performance of protocol, such as link estimation, disjoint multi-path, braided multi-path and multi-link strategies, etc. Both uni-link and multi-link forwarding strategies are modeled and analyzed, and a satisfying condition is deduced. If the condition were met, multi-link strategy should perform better than uni-link. By the way, collision model for both strategies is also established and studied, through which the funnel bottleneck is shown and the impact on the performance of both energy efficiency and delivery rate is analyzed. Finally, simulations are conducted on the NS2 platform, and the satisfying condition and collision characteristics derived from the model are verified over simulation network.


