    王健宗, 谌炎俊, 谢长生. 面向云存储的I/O资源效用优化调度算法研究[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(8): 1657-1666.
    引用本文: 王健宗, 谌炎俊, 谢长生. 面向云存储的I/O资源效用优化调度算法研究[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(8): 1657-1666.
    Wang Jianzong, Chen Yanjun, Xie Changsheng. Research on I/O Resource Scheduling Algorithms for Utility Optimization Towards Cloud Storage[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2013, 50(8): 1657-1666.
    Citation: Wang Jianzong, Chen Yanjun, Xie Changsheng. Research on I/O Resource Scheduling Algorithms for Utility Optimization Towards Cloud Storage[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2013, 50(8): 1657-1666.


    Research on I/O Resource Scheduling Algorithms for Utility Optimization Towards Cloud Storage

    • 摘要: 随着云计算的普及,越来越多的客户选择使用基于云的服务,以避免冗余的设施购买费用和繁杂的系统设计与维护,从而将精力集中在自己的专业领域.通常,云服务的客户从云服务供应商购买虚拟机,并根据双方商定达成的服务水平目标(service level objective,SLO)约束购买到的计算资源.分布式存储中大量的文件分布在不同的存储节点上,现有的CPU、内存以及带宽等资源的分配调度算法并不适用磁盘I/O资源.从云服务提供商的角度来说,高效用的I/O资源调度算法有利于提高其系统的利用率,节约资源开销并增加企业收益率.从云存储提供商为获取高效率高收益率的角度考虑,通过对用户的虚拟机在不同存储节点上的访问特性建模,提出了一个新的自适应分布式I/O资源调度算法,简称为PC算法.PC算法能够:1)根据用户与服务商之间制定的SLO,动态地在各个存储节点中为每个虚拟机制定适当的局部SLO,满足虚拟机对个体节点的访问需求; 2)为各虚拟机提供高效健壮的资源分配策略,既能尽可能利用I/O资源,又避免由无序的I/O资源竞争导致的虚拟机I/O资源饥饿.PC算法能够根据不同的I/O资源供应状况在两种调度策略间自动切换,当系统I/O资源充足时,算法采用最早截止时间优先算法(earliest deadline first, EDF)方式提高I/O资源使用率;反之则根据每个I/O请求的预计效益来提高总收益率.实验结果表明,在不采用预先设定虚拟机对各个节点访问量的前提下,PC算法能根据访问模式制定合理的资源分配,提高系统的I/O资源利用率和收益.


      Abstract: Cloud-based services are emerging as an economical and convenient alternative for clients who don't want to acquire, maintain and operate their own IT equipment. Instead, customers purchase virtual machines (VMs) with certain service level objectives (SLOs) to obtain computational resources. Existing algorithms for memory and CPU allocation are inadequate for I/O allocation, especially in clustered storage infrastructures where storage is distributed across multiple storage nodes. This paper focuses on: 1) dynamic SLO decomposition so that VMs receive proper I/O service in each distributed storage node, and 2) efficient and robust local I/O scheduling strategy. To address these issues, we present an adaptive I/O resource scheduling algorithm (called PC) for utility optimization that at runtime adjusts local SLOs. The local SLOs are generated for each VM at each storage node based on access patterns. We also adopt dual clocks to allow automatic switching between two scheduling strategies. When system capacity is sufficient, we interweave requests in an earliest deadline first (EDF) manner. Otherwise resources are allocated proportionately to their normalized revenues. The results of our experiments suggest that the algorithm is adaptive to various access patterns without significant manual pre-settings while maximizing profits.


