

    Example Based 3D Animation Creating Interactively

    • 摘要: 在基于草图的三维动画复制的基础上,提出了基于样例的交互式三维动画生成方法.在保留源动画基本风格的前提下,用户可以加入自己的创作思想.该方法不需要源网格和目标网格有相同的顶点数和三角面片数,也不需要有类似的拓扑信息.该方法由以下几个步骤组成:1)使用线型草图在源网格和目标网格间建立对应关系;2)在目标对象上设置控制点;3)交互地调整控制点,通过优化算法,计算出对应于各个样例姿势的权重,合成适合各个控制点的目标对象的关键帧.该方法直观易用,可以生成逼真的三维动画.通过一系列不同的样例姿势,在不同数量控制点的情况下测试了计算结果,验证了其可行性.


      Abstract: Proposed in this paper is an example based synthesis approach to create 3D animation of a target character interactively on the basis of sketch based 3D animation transfer. Users can add new creative idea to their works while reserving the styles of source animations. This approach consists of the following steps: 1)inputting pairs of sketches to source and target meshes, and building correspondences between the sources and target; 2)inputting control points on the target mesh; and 3)adjusting the control points interactively, calculating the weights of each key frame of source animations and creating an optimized deformed target mesh according to the control points. The authors provide new research contributions to all these topics, and integrate them into the newly developed prototype animating system, which is an easy-to-use interactive animating tool and not limited to trained experts. This approach is general and does not require the sources and target to share the same number of vertices or triangles, or to have matching connectivity. The above approach is intuitive and able to produce highly authentic 3D animations. The approach is demonstrated by constructing different examples according to a series of key frames of different sources and different number of control points to illustrate the feasibility.


