

    A Secure Multi-Attribute Auction Model

    • 摘要: 网络拍卖不仅成为电子商务不可分割的部分,而且是自治Agent和多Agent系统(MAS)技术的重要应用领域.同时,拍卖作为一种有效的资源分配形式,在联盟生成等MAS问题中有着重要的应用,因而受到学者们越来越多的关注.拍卖的安全性、隐私性特征是拍卖研究的重要方面.给出了一个一般的多属性拍卖模型和一个安全的多属性拍卖协议——SVAMA协议,并证明了SVAMA的一些重要性质,如Strategy-proof等.并与已有的多属性拍卖和使用的安全方法进行了比较,部分改进了David,Brandt等人的工作.


      Abstract: Internet auction not only is an integral part of electronic commerce but also has become a promising field for applying autonomous agents and multi-agent system (MAS) technologies. Meanwhile, auction, as an efficient resource allocation method, has important application in decentralized scheduling problems and MAS problems, such as coalition formation and has received more and more attention among scholars. Multi-attribute consideration for a resource should be a common phenomenon in an auction; however, it has received decreasing levels of attention. Also, the secure mechanisms and privacy of an auction are important aspects in implementing an auction. A general auction model is given and a Vickrey-type multi-attribute auction model is studied. For trust problems among participants in an auction, in this model, a mobile agent is introduced for a decentralized implementation during the auction. Furthermore, a secure two-party computation protocol is introduced for the privacy demand of bidding. Finally, a secure protocol named SVAMA comes out for the model. SVAMA has some useful properties like strategy-proof, false-name proof, Pareto efficient, etc. The model presented in this paper is more general compared with the existing multi-attribute auction models, and has a dominant strategy for sellers, also has the property of false-name proof. These characteristics are the improvements for the existing multi-attribute auction methods, improving the work of Esther David, Felix Brandt, et al.


