    张跃冬, 杨 毅, 樊建平, 马 捷. 计算机外设部件网格使能协议——gDevice[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2005, 42(6): 918-923.
    引用本文: 张跃冬, 杨 毅, 樊建平, 马 捷. 计算机外设部件网格使能协议——gDevice[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2005, 42(6): 918-923.
    Zhang Yuedong, Yang Yi, Fan Jianping, Ma Jie. gDevice: A Protocol for the Grid-Enabling of the Computer Peripherals[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(6): 918-923.
    Citation: Zhang Yuedong, Yang Yi, Fan Jianping, Ma Jie. gDevice: A Protocol for the Grid-Enabling of the Computer Peripherals[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(6): 918-923.


    gDevice: A Protocol for the Grid-Enabling of the Computer Peripherals

    • 摘要: 网格计算机是计算机体系结构未来的发展方向之一,网格使能部件是构成网格计算机系统的重要元素.网格使能部件具有网格实体、功能服务、智能互连3大特征,计算机部件网格使能中的关键问题包括设备描述、互连互通、资源共享与复用、安全等诸多方面. gDevice协议是一个用来解决计算机外设部件网格使能问题的协议.在网格计算机控制台系统Grid Console中,该协议已经得到了部分验证.


      Abstract: Grid computer is one of the trends of the future computer architectures, and the grid-enabled components are the key elements of the grid computer system. The main characteristics of the grid-enabled component are grid entity, functional service and intelligent interconnection, and the key issues in the grid-enabling technology of the computer components include device description, interconnection, resource sharing and multiplexing, security etc. The gDevice protocol is a protocol intending for the grid-enabling of the computer peripherals. The protocol has been partly validated in a grid computer console system called grid console.


