

    Research on the LED Lightweight Cipher Against the Statistical Fault Analysis in Internet of Things

    • 摘要: LED算法是于2011年密码硬件与嵌入式系统国际会议(CHES)中提出的一种典型轻量级密码算法,用于在物联网环境下保护RFID标签以及智能卡等设备的通信安全.故障分析凭借其攻击速度快、实现简单和难以防御等特点,已成为评测轻量级密码算法安全性的一种重要手段.提出了针对LED算法的新型统计故障分析方法,采用面向半字节的故障模型,分别使用SEI区分器、GF区分器和GF-SEI双重区分器对算法进行统计分析.实验结果表明:在较短时间内以99%的成功概率恢复出LED算法的64b和128b原始密钥.该攻击方法不仅可以在唯密文攻击条件下实现,而且提升了故障攻击效率,降低了故障数,为物联网环境下其他轻量级密码的安全性分析提供了重要参考.


      Abstract: The typical lightweight cipher LED, proposed in CHES 2011, is applied in the Internet of things (IoT) to provide security for RFID tags and smart cards etc. Fault analysis has become an important method of cryptanalysis to evaluate the security of lightweight ciphers, depending on its fast speed, simple implementation, complex defense, etc. On the basis of the half byte-oriented fault model, we propose new statistical fault analysis on the LED cipher by inducing faults. Simulating experiment shows that our attack can recover its 64-bit and 128-bit secret keys with 99% probability using an SEI distinguisher, a GF distinguisher and a GF-SEI distinguisher, respectively. The attack can be implemented in the ciphertext-only attacking environment to improve the attacking efficiency and decrease the number of faults. It provides vital reference for security analysis of other lightweight ciphers in the Internet of things.


