

    Efficient Methods for Label-Constraint Reachability Query

    • 摘要: 基于标签约束的可达性查询s→\-Lt用于回答给定图中顶点s到顶点t是否存在路径标签属于L的有向路径.针对现有方法索引构建时间长、索引规模大、查询效率低的问题,首先基于k个点构建双向路径标签索引,并提出相应的优化措施减小索引规模,以此来加速可达查询的处理速度.由于其索引没有完全覆盖可达查询,虽然索引规模小,但仍然无法避免查询过程中的图遍历操作.为此,进一步提出覆盖所有可达信息的双向路径标签索引,基于该索引,查询处理时可以完全避免图上的遍历操作.最后,基于多个真实数据集进行测试,实验结果从索引大小、索引构建时间和查询响应时间方面验证了所提方法相对现有方法具有索引规模小、索引时间短且查询响应快的优势.


      Abstract: The label-constraint reachability query s→\-Lt is used to answer whether there is a directed path from s to t in the given graph, such that every label on the path belongs to L. Considering that existing approaches suffer from long index construct time, large index size and long query time, we first propose to construct a bidirectional path label index based on k nodes with large degrees, such that we can efficiently construct a smaller index, while at the same time covering a large portion of reachable information. For this large nodes based index, we propose several optimization techniques to reduce the index size, which can in turn speed up the processing of reachable queries. Further, even though the index size is small for large nodes based bidirectional path label, it does not cover all the reachable queries, and cannot avoid the graph traversal operation during query processing. To this end, we further propose a bidirectional path label index which is constructed based on all the nodes and therefore covers all the reachable information. Based on the bidirectional path label index, a label-constraint reachability query s→\-Lt can be answered by comparing the labels of the two query nodes s and t, and the traversal operation on the graph can be completely avoided during query processing. Finally, we conduct rich experiment study. In terms of index size, index construction time and query response time, the experimental results on multiple real datasets show that our approaches achieve smaller index size, and can construct the index and answer label-constraint reachability queries more efficiently compared with the state-of-the-art approaches.


