A new model—trusted distributed database server system (TDDSS) is presented in this paper. This new model breaks the situation in which trusted computing is always applied in PC. It introduces trusted mechanism from PC into distributed database server system (DDSS). And this model helps to find out a new application area for the trusted computing. Also set up are a complete model of TDDSS and the layers of trusted-chain in trusted distributed database server system with trusted computing technology. Trusted-chain presents assurance for the transfer of the trust. It transfers from the trusted root to the interior of the system. Role-based mechanism, which is recognized by more and more people, is posed in management in TDDSS. It defines a role for every client server, and role-based mechanism proposes a more flexible and scalable permission management model. At the same time, the mechanisms of authentication and log are improved in this system. Especially, two-level of logs is used in TDDSS. It improves the security and makes the information seeking much easier. In conclusion, a complete model for the application of trusted computing in computing systems is given. Furthermore the whole system model is evaluated with mathematics method, and its feasibility and efficiency are proved accurately.