MPMC: An Algorithm for Data Aggregation Scheduling in Multi-Channel and Multi-Power Wireless Sensor Networks
摘要: 数据聚集是传感器网络中比较耗时的操作,特别是在高密度网络中.因此,最小化数据聚集延迟问题成为人们研究的热点,该问题已经被证明是NP难问题.提出一个基于分簇思想的多信道多功率数据聚集调度算法MPMC,来降低聚集延迟.该算法采用一种簇内小功率、簇间大功率的分簇思想,结合信道分配来降低数据聚集延迟,簇间可无冲突同步进行数据聚集.并分析了不同网络拓扑下使用的信道个数趋于常数.在模拟实验中,算法MPMC与目前最好的单信道以及多信道数据聚集调度算法进行了比较,验证了MPMC的平均延迟最小.Abstract: Data aggregation is a fundamental and yet time-consuming task in WSNs, especially in high-density WSNs. Therefore, people have focused on the problem of minimum-latency data aggregation. The problem has been already proved that it is an NP-hard. This paper proposes a cluster-based data aggregation scheduling algorithm called MPMC in multi-channel and multi-power WSNs to minimize the data aggregation latency. The paper adopts the idea of that the low power is used for packet transmission in inner-cluster and high power is used for packet transmission between clusters. This paper analyzes the number of channel under different topologies that approaches a constant. In simulation experiments, MPMC compares with the best algorithm based on single channel and the best algorithm based on multi-channel. Simulation results show that the MPMC algorithm proposed in this paper achieves the minimum average latency.
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