A Big Data Security Scheme Based on High-Performance Cryptography Implementation
摘要: 目前信息技术发展的趋势是以大数据计算为基础的人工智能技术.云计算、雾计算、边缘计算等计算模式下的大数据处理技术,在给经济发展带来巨大推动力的同时,也面临着巨大的安全风险.密码技术是解决大数据安全的核心技术.大数据的机密性、认证性及隐私保护问题需要解决海量数据的高速加解密问题;高并发的大规模用户认证问题;大数据的隐私保护及密态计算问题等,这些问题的解决,需要底层密码算法的快速实现.针对大数据安全应用的逻辑架构,对底层的国产密码标准算法SM4-XTS,SM2以及大整数模幂运算,分别给出快速计算的算法,并在基于Xilinx公司的KC705开发板上进行了验证,并给出实验数据.实验表明:该工作具有一定的先进性:1)SM4-XTS模式的实现填补了国内该方向的空白;2)SM2签名具有较高性能,领先于国内同类产品;3)大整数的模幂运算应用于同态密码的产品化,填补了国内该产品的空白.Abstract: At present, the trend of information technology development is the artificial intelligence technology based on big data computing. Although it has made enormous contribution in the economic development, big data processing technology which includes cloud computing, fog computing, edge computing and other computing modes also brings a great risk of data security. Cryptographic technology is the kernel of the big data security. Confidentiality, authentication and privacy protection of big data need to solve the following three security problems: firstly, high-speed encryption and decryption of massive data; secondly, the authentication problem of high concurrency and large scale user; thirdly, privacy protection in data mining. The solution of these problems requires the fast implementation of the underlying cryptographic algorithm. Aiming at the logic architecture of big data security application, this paper gives a fast calculation algorithm for the cryptographic standard algorithm SM4-XTS, SM2 and modular exponentiation of large integers. It is verified on the KC705 development board based on Xilinx company, the results of experiment show that our work has certain advancement: 1) The implementation of SM4-XTS fills the blank of this direction in China. 2) SM2 signature has high performance, leading domestic similar products. 3) Modular exponentiation is applied to the productization of homomorphism cryptography, and its performance is ahead of other similar products.
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