Citation: | Li Zhenyu, Ding Yong, Yi Chen, Liang Hai. A Blockchain Data Acceleration Exchange Method for Data Element Circulation[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2024, 61(10): 2554-2569. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202440367 |
With the advancement of the new technological revolution and industrial transformation, secure and reliable data circulation has become a pressing issue. To address this, data exchanges have begun leveraging blockchain technology to facilitate data circulation, thereby enhancing trust and regulatory capabilities during the process. However, blockchain technology still faces challenges in handling large-scale data element exchanges efficiently. To improve efficiency in the circulation of data elements via blockchain, we propose a blockchain data exchange acceleration method. Firstly, a dynamic location model for data circulation is introduced to aid data exchanges in managing the direction of data flows. Secondly, a data element aggregation upload method is proposed, enabling deep aggregation of data elements with specified circulation destinations, thus accelerating blockchain data exchange. Thirdly, an optional automatic deduplication download method is presented to address application issues encountered in blockchain-based data circulation. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed blockchain data exchange acceleration method, when combined with blockchain transaction packaging technologies, significantly enhances the efficiency of data element exchanges. Compared with the asynchronous data exchange method provided by existing blockchain frameworks, our method achieves approximately a 9.24 times improvement in data exchange performance.
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