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Wu Zehui, Wei Qiang, Wang Xinlei, Wang Yunchao, Yan Chenyu, Chen Jing. Survey of Automatic Software Vulnerability Exploitation[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2024, 61(9): 2261-2274. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202220410
Citation: Wu Zehui, Wei Qiang, Wang Xinlei, Wang Yunchao, Yan Chenyu, Chen Jing. Survey of Automatic Software Vulnerability Exploitation[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2024, 61(9): 2261-2274. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202220410

Survey of Automatic Software Vulnerability Exploitation

Funds: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2019QY0501).
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    Wu Zehui: born in 1988. PhD, lecturer. His mian research interest includes software and system vulnerability analysis

    Wei Qiang: born in 1979. PhD, professor, PhD supervisor. His main research interests include software security analysis and industrial control system security

    Wang Xinlei: born in 1990. Bachelor, assistant engineer. Her main research interest includes software security analysis

    Wang Yunchao: born in 1992. PhD, lecturer. His main research interest includes software and system vulnerability analysis

    Yan Chenyu: born in 1996. Master, teaching assistant. Her main research interest includes software security analysis

    Chen Jing: born in 1999. Master. Her main research interest includes software security analysis

  • Received Date: May 20, 2022
  • Revised Date: December 18, 2023
  • Accepted Date: March 05, 2024
  • Available Online: March 06, 2024
  • In recent years, the number of software vulnerabilities has increased sharply and its harmfulness has aroused widespread concern in society. Compiling vulnerability utilization code accurately, efficiently and quickly is the key to vulnerability damage assessment and vulnerability repairment. At present, the vulnerability exploitation code mainly relies on manual analysis and writing, which is inefficient. Therefore, how to realize automatic vulnerability exploitation code generation (AEG) is a hotspot and difficulty in software security research field. In this paper, we analyze the representative achievements in this field in recent 30 years. Firstly, we divide the vulnerability automatic utilization process into four typical segments: vulnerability root location, reachable path search, vulnerability primitive generation and utilization code generation. After that we sort out and select the typical work of the above achievements from the three perspectives of human-machine boundary, attack and defense game, and common basic technology. And on this basis, we define the key points, difficulties and phased achievements of the current research. Finally, from the gap between the existing achievements and the practical application of automatic exploit generation, we discuss the bottleneck problems existing in the current research, the future development trend of AEG, and the next research points we should focus on.

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    23. 郭亚军,马慧芳,张鑫迪,冯思倩. ChatGPT赋能图书馆知识服务:原理、场景与进路. 图书馆建设. 2024(03): 60-68 .
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    25. 张渊. ChatGPT文本的生成机制与文本特性分析. 重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版). 2024(04): 105-114 .
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    28. Deyi Li,Jialun Yin,Tianlei Zhang,Wei Han,Hong Bao. The Four Most Basic Elements In Machine Cognition. Data Intelligence. 2024(02): 297-319 .
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    43. 曹克亮. ChatGPT:意识形态家的机器学转向及后果. 统一战线学研究. 2023(04): 134-144 .
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    56. 陈靖. ChatGPT的类人想象与安全风险分析. 网络空间安全. 2023(04): 8-12 .
    57. 李佩芳,陈佳丽,宁宁,王立群,张涵旎. ChatGPT在医学领域的应用进展及思考. 华西医学. 2023(10): 1456-1460 .
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    60. 李钥,淮盼盼,杨辉. ChatGPT在护理教育中的应用状况及优劣分析. 护理学杂志. 2023(21): 117-121 .
    61. 张绍龙. 基于ChatGPT的人工智能技术应用. 集成电路应用. 2023(11): 200-201 .
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    64. 李德毅,刘玉超,任璐. 人工智能看智慧. 科学与社会. 2023(04): 131-149 .
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