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An Haoyang, He Debiao, Bao Zijian, Peng Cong, Luo Min. Ring Signature Based on the SM9 Digital Signature And Its Application in Blockchain Privacy Protection[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(11): 2545-2554. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330265
Citation: An Haoyang, He Debiao, Bao Zijian, Peng Cong, Luo Min. Ring Signature Based on the SM9 Digital Signature And Its Application in Blockchain Privacy Protection[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(11): 2545-2554. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330265

Ring Signature Based on the SM9 Digital Signature And Its Application in Blockchain Privacy Protection

Funds: This work was supported by the Shandong Provincial Key Research and Development Program (2021CXGC010107) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U21A20466, 62172307, 62202339).
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    An Haoyang: born in 1997. PhD candidate. His main research interests include applied cryptography and blockchain technology

    He Debiao: born in 1980. PhD, professor, PhD supervisor. His main research interests include cryptography and information security

    Bao Zijian: born in 1994. PhD candidate. His main research interests include applied cryptography and blockchain technology. (baozijian@whu.edu.cn)

    Peng Cong: born in 1989. PhD, associate professor. His main research interests include cryptography and information security. (cpeng@whu.edu.cn)

    Luo Min: born in 1974. PhD, professor. His main research interests include cryptography and information security. (mluo@whu.edu.cn)

  • Received Date: March 31, 2023
  • Revised Date: June 07, 2023
  • Available Online: June 25, 2023
  • With the development and application of blockchain technology, the privacy leakage problem brought by blockchain technology has become increasingly serious while providing immutability and transparency. Although ring signature has been widely used in blockchain privacy protection schemes, existing schemes are based on public key infrastructure system with high certificate management costs. In addition, with the increasing demand for domestic application of blockchain systems, existing national commercial cryptographic algorithms can no longer meet the increasingly complex application requirements of blockchain. To solve these problems, we propose a constant-size ring signature scheme based on SM9 digital signature algorithm and prove its security under the random oracle model. In addition, based on this ring signature algorithm, we modify the consortium blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, to achieve transaction sender identity privacy protection. We utilize the Miracl library to test the computation time and analyze the computational and communication costs of our approach. The experimental analysis results demonstrate that compared with existing solutions, our approach achieves several times efficiency improvement in signature generation and verification. When the number of ring members exceeds 20, our approach exhibits significant advantages in terms of signature communication costs.

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