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Zhang Xuewang, Yao Yaning, Fu Jiali, Xie Haofei. Efficient Multi-Authority CP-ABE IoT Data Sharing Scheme with Hidden Policies[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(10): 2193-2202. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330459
Citation: Zhang Xuewang, Yao Yaning, Fu Jiali, Xie Haofei. Efficient Multi-Authority CP-ABE IoT Data Sharing Scheme with Hidden Policies[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(10): 2193-2202. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330459

Efficient Multi-Authority CP-ABE IoT Data Sharing Scheme with Hidden Policies

Funds: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFB3204503).
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  • Author Bio:

    Zhang Xuewang: born in 1974. PhD, associate professor, master supervisor, Senior member of CCF. His main research interests include blockchain and Internet of things, and data security and privacy protection

    Yao Yaning: born in 1998. Master candidate. Student member of CCF. His main research interests include blockchain, Internet software, and security technologies

    Fu Jiali: born in 1998. Master candidate. Student member of CCF. Her main research interests include blockchain, Internet software, and security technologies

    Xie Haofei: bom in 1978. PhD, professor, master supervisor. His main research interests include networked control systems, wireless sensing, and the industrial Internet of things

  • Received Date: June 04, 2023
  • Revised Date: August 18, 2023
  • Available Online: October 07, 2023
  • Data sharing in the IoT environment suffers from inefficiency and privacy leakage, and the CP-ABE (ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption) data sharing scheme becomes a bottleneck of system operation efficiency because it adopts a single authority, which needs to undertake heavy computational work. To solve the above problems, an efficient multi-authority CP-ABE IoT data sharing scheme with completely hidden policies is proposed in this paper. The scheme uses multi-authority CP-ABE to realize fine-grained access control of data, and uses the non-tampering property of the consortium blockchain to ensure the security of ciphertext Hash and key set ciphertext, and adopts MurmurHash3 algorithm to realize the complete hiding of policy to avoid accessing policy to leak users’ private information; and the scheme combines with multi-secret sharing algorithm to improve multi-authority CP-ABE, thus enhancing efficiency of data sharing. The theoretical analysis proves that the scheme can guarantee the security of access policy and secret sharing process. The simulation experimental results show that the proposed scheme has better performance in both policy hiding and secret distribution processes.

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