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He Yulin, Wu Bo, Wu Dingming, Huang Zhexue, Philippe Fournier-Viger. Edge Hashing Distributed Sampling Algorithm for Triangle Counting in Large-scale Dynamic Graph Stream[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2024, 61(8): 1882-1903. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202440120
Citation: He Yulin, Wu Bo, Wu Dingming, Huang Zhexue, Philippe Fournier-Viger. Edge Hashing Distributed Sampling Algorithm for Triangle Counting in Large-scale Dynamic Graph Stream[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2024, 61(8): 1882-1903. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202440120

Edge Hashing Distributed Sampling Algorithm for Triangle Counting in Large-scale Dynamic Graph Stream

Funds: This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2314050006683), the Key Basic Research Foundation of Shenzhen (JCYJ20220818100205012), and the Basic Research Foundation of Shenzhen (JCYJ20210324093609026).
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    He Yulin: born in 1982. PhD, research fellow. Member of CCF. His main research interests include data mining and machine learning, big data processing and analysis, big data approximate computing technology, and multi-sample statistic analysis theory and method

    Wu Bo: born in 2000. Master candidate. His main research interests include social network management and mining, big data system computing technologies, and machine learning algorithms and their applications

    Wu Dingming: born in 1982. PhD, associate professor. Her main research interest includes the management and mining for spatial text data, knowledge graph data, social network data

    Huang Zhexue: born in 1959. PhD, professor, PhD supervisor. Member of CCF. His main research interests include data mining, machine learning, big data processing and analysis, and big data system computing technologies

    Philippe Fournier-Viger: born in 1980. PhD, professor, PhD supervisor. Senior member of CCF. His main research interests include data mining, artificial intelligence, knowledge expression and inference, and cognitive model construction

  • Received Date: March 14, 2024
  • Revised Date: May 16, 2024
  • Available Online: July 04, 2024
  • Triangle counting is a classical problem in large-scale graph analysis and widely applied in areas such as social network analysis, anomaly detection, and graph mining. In dynamic graph data streams, the topological structure of graph is constantly changing, involving edge insertions and deletions. Recent researches mainly focus on static streaming graphs and the corresponding streaming graph sampling algorithms only deal with edge insertions. Only a few single-machine sampling algorithms with low accuracy can handle edge deletion operations. We propose the edge hashing assignment-based distributed sampling (EHADS) algorithm, which is a distributed streaming algorithm designed for estimating the number of triangles in dynamic graph data streams. EHADS algorithm can rapidly and accurately estimate the counts of global triangles and local triangles associated with each vertex in dynamic streaming graphs. EHADS algorithm processes the input graph stream only once and samples edges across multiple machines. Compared with state-of-the-art single-machine streaming algorithms, the experimental results reflect that EHADS algorithm has the following advantages: 1) with the same sample capacity, EHADS algorithm achieves smaller estimation errors with less runtime, reducing the average estimation error of global triangle count by 31.79% and local triangle count by 23.35%; 2) EHADS algorithm provides unbiased estimations of the triangle count in streaming graph, and mathematical proofs demonstrate that the above-mentioned unbiased estimation has smaller variance.

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    46. 彭强,李羿卫. 自然用户界面在智能家居系统中的应用路径创新研究:生成式人工智能技术的调节作用. 包装工程. 2023(16): 454-463 .
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