Secret Sharing-Based Rerouting in Rerouting-Based Anonymous Communication Systems
Graphical Abstract
Rerouting is the main mechanism in rerouting-based anonymous communication system for protecting the anonymity of communication participant. Next hop rerouting, an important type of rerouting that is adopted in many rerouting-based anonymous communication systems, is easy to compromise by predecessor attack, and has the drawback of high communication delay. In this paper, a new next hop rerouting mechanism, secret sharing-based rerouting(SSR), is proposed based on threshold scheme. With this mechanism, end-to-end encryption between the sender and the last intermediator on the rerouting path can be achieved. Thus, the complexity for attackers to compromise the anonymity is made high. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the complexity can be kept on the same level as source rerouting. Moreover, the sender can control the path length effectively, therefore limiting the communication delay.