Stationarity and Balance—Strategies and Methods of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Against Side Channel Attacks
Graphical Abstract
Side channel attacks are a recent class of attacks, which use observations such as timings or power consumption measurements in order to obtain information that is supposed to be kept secret and revealed to be very powerful in practice. Inelliptic curve cryptosystems, a particular target for side channel attacks is algorithms used for point multiplication. For speeding up elliptic curve scalar multiplication and making it secure against side channel attacks, various methods are proposed using specially chosen elliptic curves, the special presentations of points on the curve, and other techniques. The surveys of the achievements of algorithms and implementations of elliptic curve cryptosystem to defense against side channel attacks based on the two main views of stationarity and balance are presented. The advantage and disadvantage of each method are also pointed out here. Finally, several main directions of future research on this topic are pointed out as well.