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Jia Qunlin and Zhou Baijia. Earthquake Disaster Scenario Simulation Technology[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(6): 1038-1043.
Citation: Jia Qunlin and Zhou Baijia. Earthquake Disaster Scenario Simulation Technology[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(6): 1038-1043.

Earthquake Disaster Scenario Simulation Technology

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  • Published Date: June 14, 2010
  • Earthquake is a huge devastating and paroxysmal natural disaster. Emergency leaders have to do several jobs during the response to earthquake. In order to do the right job they must be trained. Training can be done by using several techniques and methods. One of the methods is virtual training. Doing training with virtual training simulation give the opportunity to train leaders without numbers of persons that are normally needed for training. Virtual emergency rescue training simulation is one of virtual simulation research areas. The realistic extent of earthquake virtual scene is to determine the effect of virtual simulation training. The purpose of this paper is to build virtual disaster scenario. Because the earthquake disaster is very complicated, its not possible to simulate every aspect of earthquake disaster scenario in detail. In this paper, by studying the formation of building collapse and the collapse of buildings in the distribution of space, sub-model way to build the scene, secondary disaster simulation methods, scenes integration approach, the authors discuss how to build a relatively realistic virtual earthquake disaster scenario. The research of this paper has laid a foundation for the research and development of virtual simulation training systems, and provided a theoretical basis for the visual simulation modules.
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