Resource Assignment Algorithm Under Multi-Agent for P2P MMOG
Graphical Abstract
The massive multi-player online game based on peer-to-peer overlay is a research hotspot of network game. To establish an effective mechanism of interest management, most of the approaches organize nodes by using single collaborator to manage the area of interest. As the number of players and resources increases in an area, the collaborator would catch the performance bottleneck. This paper proposes a structured multi-agent model which divides the world into static areas of interest and introduces a manager to organize nodes in each area. Other nodes acting as agents are responsible for processing events. To make interactions between nodes and resources in the same area and neighbor areas, SMA (structured multi-agent) implements the node joining algorithm and neighbor discovery algorithm to establish connections between all nodes. Meanwhile, it calculates the cost indices of resources and performance indices of nodes, so that each node can hold several resources whose sum of cost indices is quite with its performance indices. By this way, resources are assigned evenly to all nodes in an area. Since the state of resource can only be updated by one node at any time, the consistency of all states are greatly guaranteed. Experiment shows that this model has fine advantages in many parts.