Advanced Search

    Social Computing in the Era of Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges
    Meng Xiaofeng, Li Yong, Jonathan J. H. Zhu
    2013, 50(12): 2483-2491. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.2013.20130890
    Abstract PDF
    Structure Inference and Prediction in the Co-Evolution of Social Networks
    Wang Li, Cheng Suqi, Shen Huawei, Cheng Xueqi
    2013, 50(12): 2492-2503.
    Abstract PDF
    Compressing Online Social Networks by Calibrating Structure Redundancy
    Yang Hailu, Zhang Jianpei, and Yang Jing
    2013, 50(12): 2504-2519.
    Abstract PDF
    Density-Based Link Clustering Algorithm for Overlapping Community Detection
    Zhu Mu, Meng Fanrong, and Zhou Yong
    2013, 50(12): 2520-2530.
    Abstract PDF
    Social Awareness Computation Methods for Location Based Services
    Guo Chi, Fang Yuan, Liu Jingnan, Wan Yi
    2013, 50(12): 2531-2542.
    Abstract PDF
    Path Planning for Mobile Robots Based on Social Group Search Algorithm
    Feng Xiang, Ma Meiyi, Shi Yin, and Yu Huiqun
    2013, 50(12): 2543-2553.
    Abstract PDF
    Sentiment Computing of Web Financial Information Based on the Part-of-Speech Tagging and Dependency Parsing
    Wan Changxuan, Jiang Tengjiao, Zhong Minjuan, and Bian Hairong
    2013, 50(12): 2554-2569.
    Abstract PDF
    Semi-Supervised Sentiment Classification Based on Sentiment Feature Clustering
    Li Suke and Jiang Yanbing
    2013, 50(12): 2570-2577.
    Abstract PDF
    An Emotion Contagion Simulation Model for Crowd Events
    Liu Zhen, Jin Wei, Huang Peng, and Chai Yanjie
    2013, 50(12): 2578-2589.
    Abstract PDF
    Computational Modeling of a Social Phenomenon: Evolution of Cultural Identity and Cultural Territory
    Yun Jian, Liu Xiangdong, and Liu Yongkui
    2013, 50(12): 2590-2602.
    Abstract PDF
    A Two-Step Utility Query Recommendation Method Based on Absorbing Random Walk
    Zhu Xiaofei, Guo Jiafeng, Cheng Xueqi, and Lan Yanyan
    2013, 50(12): 2603-2611.
    Abstract PDF
    Recognition and Retrieval of Time-sensitive Question in Chinese QA System
    Hou Yongshuai, Zhang Yaoyun, Wang Xiaolong, Chen Qingcai, Wang Yuliang, and Hu Baotian
    2013, 50(12): 2612-2620.
    Abstract PDF
    Advertiser Status Modeling in Sponsored Search
    Jiang Changhao, Zhang Min, Gao Bin, Liu Yiqun, Ma Shaoping
    2013, 50(12): 2621-2628.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on Case Index BCS-Tree and Its Constructing Method
    Fan Haixiong, Liu Fuxian, and Xia Lu
    2013, 50(12): 2629-2641.
    Abstract PDF
    Classification in Networked Data Based on the Probability Generative Model
    Wang Zhenwen, Xiao Weidong, and Tan Wentang
    2013, 50(12): 2642-2650.
    Abstract PDF
    Co-residency Detection Scheme based on Shared Cache in the Cloud
    Yu Si, Gui Xiaolin, Zhang Xuejun, Lin Jiancai, Wang Junfei
    2013, 50(12): 2651-2660.
    Abstract PDF
    Generation of Test Cases Based on Symbolic Execution and LTL Formula Rewriting
    Chen Donghuo, Liu Quan
    2013, 50(12): 2661-2675.
    Abstract PDF
    Corecursive Operations with Parameters and the Associated Calculational Laws
    Su Jindian, Yu Shanshan
    2013, 50(12): 2676-2690.
    Abstract PDF
    Algebraic Properties of Probabilistic Finite State Automata
    Xie Zhengwei, Zhai Ying, Deng Peimin, Yi Zhong
    2013, 50(12): 2691-2698.
    Abstract PDF
    Fast Building Method of Advanced AC Automaton
    Fan Hongbo, Yao Nianmin
    2013, 50(12): 2699-2706.
    Abstract PDF