How to extract k elements from a large data stream according to some utility functions can be reduced to maximizing a submodular set function. The traditional algorithms had already given some good solutions of summarizing a static data set by submodular method, well-known as standard greedy algorithm. Lastly researches also presented some new algorithms with corresponding distributed solutions to meet the streaming data access and the real-time response limits, but those algorithms are not good enough in maximizing the utility gain. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm called HSSM which runs as a pipelining distributed framework and requires only a single-pass access the data set. Finally, the utility gain of our solution is close to the option standard greedy solution. We also propose using utility vector to compress the set of summarization and filtering out the low gain objects to improve the original HSSM algorithm. Fortunately, this approach can get applications in many related fields such as representative articles selection, k-medoid select problem and so on. Experimental results show that the improved Spark-HSSM+ method can increase the summarization speed in direct proportion to k\+2 in contrast to the traditional method. Compared with other distributed algorithms, the result of the Spark-HSSM+ method is the most close to the standard greedy solution.