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Li Gengsong, Liu Yi, Zheng Qibin, Li Xiang, Liu Kun, Qin Wei, Wang Qiang, Yang Changhong. Algorithm Selection Method Based on Multi-Objective Hybrid Ant Lion Optimizer[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(7): 1533-1550. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202220769
Citation: Li Gengsong, Liu Yi, Zheng Qibin, Li Xiang, Liu Kun, Qin Wei, Wang Qiang, Yang Changhong. Algorithm Selection Method Based on Multi-Objective Hybrid Ant Lion Optimizer[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(7): 1533-1550. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202220769

Algorithm Selection Method Based on Multi-Objective Hybrid Ant Lion Optimizer

Funds: This work was supported by the Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Project of China (2020AAA0104802), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91948303), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Young Scientists (61802426).
More Information
  • Author Bio:

    Li Gengsong: born in 1999. Master. His main research interests include algorithm selection and big data

    Liu Yi: born in 1990. PhD, assistant professor. His main research interests include robot operating system, big data technologies, and evolutionary algorithms.

    Zheng Qibin: born in 1990. PhD, assistant professor. His main research interests include data engineering, data mining, and machine learning

    Li Xiang: born in 1988. PhD, assistant professor. His main research interest includes big data

    Liu Kun: born in 1982. PhD, associate professor. His main research interest includes big data

    Qin Wei: born in 1983. Master, assistant professor. His main research interest includes intelligent information system management

    Wang Qiang: born in 1972. Master, associate professor. His main research interest includes big data

    Yang Changhong: born in 1967. Master, senior engineer. His main research interest includes computer software

  • Received Date: August 27, 2022
  • Revised Date: January 31, 2023
  • Available Online: April 17, 2023
  • Algorithm selection refers to selecting an algorithm that satisfies the requirements for a given problem from feasible algorithms, and algorithm selection based on meta-learning is a widely used method, in which the key components are meta-features and meta-learners. However, existing research is difficult to make full use of the complementarity of meta-features and the diversity of meta-learners, which are not conducive to further improving the method performance. To solve the above problems, a selective ensemble algorithm selection method based on multi-objective hybrid ant lion optimizer (SAMO) is proposed. It designs an algorithm selection model, which sets the accuracy and diversity of the ensemble meta-learners as the optimization objectives, introduces meta-feature selection and selective ensemble, and chooses meta-features and heterogeneous meta-learners simultaneously to construct ensemble meta-learners; it proposes a multi-objective hybrid ant lion optimizer to optimize the model, which uses discrete code to select meta-feature subsets and constructs ensemble meta-learners by continuous code, and applies the enhanced walk strategy and the preference elite selection mechanism to improve the optimization performance. We utilize 260 datasets, 150 meta-features, and 9 candidate algorithms to construct classification algorithm selection problems and conduct test experiments, and the parameter sensitivity of the method is analyzed, the multi-objective hybrid ant lion optimizer is compared with four evolutionary algorithms, 8 comparative methods are compared with the proposed method, and the results verify the effectiveness and superiority of the method.

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