Citation: | Ran Jinhao, Cai Dongliang. Attribute Signature Identity Authentication Scheme Based on Blockchain and Trusted Execution Environment[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(11): 2555-2566. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330268 |
Identity authentication is a technology widely used in the current digital world. In the era of traffic supremacy, a secure and convenient identity authentication solution is crucial for attracting users to application services. Decentralized identity gives users complete control over their identity by using a fully decentralized technology such as blockchain. In order to further improve the security and convenience of identity authentication, an attribute signature authentication scheme based on blockchain and trusted execution environment is proposed. Existing identity verification methods have problems such as heavy management of user identity certificates and insufficient security. Attribute signatures are used by users to generate persistent credentials pointing to application services, and credentials are extensible. In the process of repeatedly expanding credentials, the user is more likely to be implanted with a Trojan horse than a single generation of credentials. The trusted execution environment can provide hardware-level protection during the signing process to avoid the leakage of intermediate parameters. At the same time, the audit of user identity leakage and fraudulent use is realized with a small additional verification cost, which further improves the security of the scheme.
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