Cheng Bailiang, Zeng Guosun, Jie Anquan. Study of Multi-Agent Trust Coalition Based on Self-Organization Evolution[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(8): 1382-1391.
Cheng Bailiang, Zeng Guosun, Jie Anquan. Study of Multi-Agent Trust Coalition Based on Self-Organization Evolution[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(8): 1382-1391.
Cheng Bailiang, Zeng Guosun, Jie Anquan. Study of Multi-Agent Trust Coalition Based on Self-Organization Evolution[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(8): 1382-1391.
Cheng Bailiang, Zeng Guosun, Jie Anquan. Study of Multi-Agent Trust Coalition Based on Self-Organization Evolution[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(8): 1382-1391.
1(Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804) 2(College of Computer Information and Engineering, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022)
Different from the existing game theory used in multi-agent coalition, this paper studies it from coalition trust. The trust degree of individual is built on history cooperating information and then the trust degree of coalition is built above it for trusting coalition. To finish more complex task, some small coalitions unite to a large coalition by coalition trust and competitive negotiation. This way makes trust run through the total process of evolvement of coalition with describing the self-organization of evolvement. In order to get stable coalition, the free competition and trust evaluation is used for distributing income among coalition. For the effective and fair distributing mechanism, the frame behavior in free competition will be eliminated by amending trust degree with the protection of private data after distributing income. Using trust, the produce structure and evolution process of coalition is described and the stable coalition is obtained by fair income distribution with private protection. The distributed cooperation model is built and the computing complex is reduced greatly by coalition trust with controllable venture income. Trust coalition will provide an effective guarantee for dynamic coalition.