Sun Hongquan and Han Jiqing. Fast Simulation of Immiscible Liquids Interaction[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(11): 1865-1870.
Sun Hongquan and Han Jiqing. Fast Simulation of Immiscible Liquids Interaction[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(11): 1865-1870.
Sun Hongquan and Han Jiqing. Fast Simulation of Immiscible Liquids Interaction[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(11): 1865-1870.
Sun Hongquan and Han Jiqing. Fast Simulation of Immiscible Liquids Interaction[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2010, 47(11): 1865-1870.
The interactions between immiscible liquids, such as water and oil, are common in everyday life. In this paper, a particle-based method is proposed to simulate the phenomena emerging from multiple immiscible liquids interaction. Through establishing a simple and effective interfacial tension model for multiple liquids and using the essential method of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics, the realistic and fast interaction simulation for multiple immiscible liquids can be achieved. In experiments, the interaction process of one kind and two kinds of liquid droplets dropping into a tank of liquid are simulated respectively, and the proposed method is proven to be effective. In terms of the CPU times and simulation effects, the proposed method is compared with the regular SPH method and Müller et al. method, and it can be concluded that the proposed method is more suitable for immiscible simulation. The experimental results show that the overhead owing to the interfacial tension is trivial, and the proposed method is suitable for achieving the realistic and fast immiscible interactions simulation of multiple liquids and can be applied to a variety of applications of graphics. Further, the proposed interfacial tension model can be integrated easily into the existing fluid solvers; thus the cost of implementation is very low.