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Wang Di, Xue Wei, Shu Jiwu, and Shen Meiming. Fault Tolerance with Virtual Disk Replicas in the Mass Storage Network[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2006, 43(10): 1849-1854.
Citation: Wang Di, Xue Wei, Shu Jiwu, and Shen Meiming. Fault Tolerance with Virtual Disk Replicas in the Mass Storage Network[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2006, 43(10): 1849-1854.

Fault Tolerance with Virtual Disk Replicas in the Mass Storage Network

More Information
  • Published Date: October 14, 2006
  • Data availability and accessing performance in large scale storage network have been more and more important. Based on the in-band virtualization system for massive storage, virtual disk replicas are proposed to improve the data availability. The replicas use selective read scheduling, asynchronous update mechanism, and a special space-adjusting algorithm to optimize the data accessing performance. The experiments with virtual disk replicas show that, when the device number is adequate, the read-performance can be increased by 26%; even if one or two disks fail, the I/O operations can be processed correctly, and the read-performance is still over 10% better than the normal accessing without replicas.
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