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Zhang Xiangfeng and Sun Yufang. Dynamic Enforcement of the Strict Integrity Policy in Biba's Model[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(5): 746-754.
Citation: Zhang Xiangfeng and Sun Yufang. Dynamic Enforcement of the Strict Integrity Policy in Biba's Model[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2005, 42(5): 746-754.

Dynamic Enforcement of the Strict Integrity Policy in Biba's Model

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  • Published Date: May 14, 2005
  • While the strict integrity policy (SIP) of Biba's model can be used to maintain integrity of data in computer systems, the integrity labels of both subjects and objects in a system are always kept static in SIP, which might lead to denial to some non-malicious access requirements and hence decreases the compatibility o f applications. Dynamic enforcement of this policy (DESIP) is presented, which c an increase compatibility of software while keeping system integrity as strictly as SIP can. The implementation of DESIP is also given based on RFSOS, a Linux-b ased operating system, which shows that the impact of the enforcement of DESIP o n system efficiency is less than 1%.
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