Software instrumentation is a basic technology of software dynamic analysis, such as program optimization, debugging, testing, fault location and so on. The dynamic binary instrumenta-tion technology, because of its non-invasive, which does not need to modify the source code to compile, and does not need to reassemble the binary program, will not cause the expansion of the object code, and is widely used in software dynamic analysis, especially in resource constrained, low power consumption, high real-time embedded field, so dynamic binary instrumentation is the very key technology. However, the existing binary instrumentation tool can only be applied to user mode software, and the embedded whole system software also needs a corresponding binary instrumentation tool. In order to solve this problem, this paper based on the dynamic binary translation open source instruction set simulator QEMU(quick emulator), breaks through run time statistics collection on the basic blocks, and eliminates interrupt’s adverse effects of control flow analysis in the embedded the system software, and achieves the implementation of instrumentation on the intermediate code level to the embedded system software code, full completion of the embedded system software running control flow tracking, and the development of log information processing tool. Experiments show that the method proposed in this paper can accomplish call graph, function profile, coverage, control flow analysis and so on, which can solve the problem of dynamic binary analysis of embedded system software.