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Ye Jianwei, Zhang Hongli, Zhang Yongzheng. A Secure Mobile Code Protocol Based on Committed Garbled Circuit[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2011, 48(5): 862-868.
Citation: Ye Jianwei, Zhang Hongli, Zhang Yongzheng. A Secure Mobile Code Protocol Based on Committed Garbled Circuit[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2011, 48(5): 862-868.

A Secure Mobile Code Protocol Based on Committed Garbled Circuit

More Information
  • Published Date: May 14, 2011
  • The lack of protections hinders the application of mobile code, and no sound solutions have been proposed for it so far. Garbled circuit is the only pure software protecting technique that is universal and has provable security, by now. The existing CCKM, ACCK, Tate-Xu and Zhong-Yang protocols based on garbled circuit cannot prevent the attacks from malicious participants and cannot fit to mobile code non-interactively. Based on the committed garbled circuit technology of Jarecki et al. and Pedersens verifiable threshold secret sharing scheme, this paper presents a new secure mobile code protocol against the malicious participants. In the new protocol, a group of third-party servers are employed to “challenge” the provers, and to share secrets in every secret sharing scheme. When more than two-thirds of the servers are honest, the new protocol: 1) protects the inputs and outputs of the mobile codes simultaneously and offers more protection than existing protocols; 2) suits for mobile code application non-interactive; 3) makes the executors be able to verify the garbled circuit non-interactively and thus protect themselves from malicious codes; and 4) guarantees that the generators and executors can get correct outputs full fairly.
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