Citation: | Hu Hao, Liang Wenkai, Li Shiyi, Wang Hongpeng, Xia Wen. Survey of Transaction Management System in New Memory Hardware Environment[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2023, 60(3): 572-591. DOI: 10.7544/issn1000-1239.202220579 |
The era of big data explosion has produced various new types of business, and business data drives the innovative and iterative development of transaction management systems. Due to the limitations of traditional persistence media, traditional transaction management systems cannot efficiently execute transactions. The additional overhead of resolving transaction conflicts can also limit the throughput of the transaction management system. The commercial application of new hardware has injected more possibilities into transaction management systems and has received extensive attention in both academia and industry. Hardware transactional memory (HTM) can provide hardware-level transaction conflict detection for transaction management systems. Compared with solid-state drives (SSD), the byte addressability and persistence characteristics of non-volatile memory can significantly reduce transaction execution latency and improve the performance of transaction management system. However, existing transaction management system technology cannot fully take advantage of the performance improvement brought by the hardware, so it is necessary to reconstruct the transaction architecture to address this problem. We first analyze current transaction management systems under the new hardware environment, then summarize the current technical aspects of them, and make clear the advantages and disadvantages of the transaction management system under the hardware transactional memory and non-volatile storage hardware. Finally, the possible development direction and new challenges of the transaction management system in the new hardware environment are pointed out.
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